Conditions (Indications) Database
The conditions database is a free-form text database that we provide for you to record medical conditions/indications and the preferred treatments for those medical conditions/indications. This database does not contain any data when the product is first installed. You are able to develop it yourself and start to build your own knowledge base. 
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Long Grass Systems
In this database you are able to record all treatments for particular Indications that you use for your clients.
It provides you with your personal Knowledge base. The tabs, Notes 1 and Notes 2 may be renamed to whatever you like ie: Supplier, Experience anything you like.
It works like this; you add in a Condition (Indication) and then against all of the tabs - Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, Alternative Treatments, Research, Notes 1 and Notes 2, record your preferences for treating that particular Condition.
I will give you one example below.
When you Add a condition you can enter details concerning Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Treatments that you have found effective.